Friday, July 30, 2010

WIP and the Developer

Work in Progress (WIP) at the individual developer's level is the point of view for this blog post.

WIP for an individual developer (for this blog) is defined as any prioritized item in the backlog/work queue for the developer. The backlog works as any simple priority queue, take the next item with the highest priority. (Starvation of items is acceptable!)

First, a manufacturing analogy.

Suppose you are on an assembly line where you attach three widgets to a gadget. You take the gadget from a bin (your backlog) and line up "widget 1", insert screw, and tighten, then line up "widget 2", insert screw, and tighten, and finally line up "widget 3", insert screw, and tighten, and then place the widgetfied gadget into a completion bin (inventory).

Could you gain performance if the process was changed to this:
Take gadget from bin, line up "widget 1", insert screw, and tighten, place in bin. Do this for all gadgets with widget 1. Then take gadget with widget 1 from bin, line up "widget 2", insert screw, and tighten, and place in bin. Do this for each gadget until all of widget 2 attached and then do this for widget 3 and place results in inventory bin.

Of course the answer depends. It depends on many things.

If all three widgets use the same screw, and thus the same screw driver, then it might be faster to stay with the original approach.

If all three widgets use different screws then the following should be measured:
- How long does it take to switch screw drivers and select proper screw?
- How long does it take to reach into the bin and extract a gadget plus how long does it take to place a gadget into a completion bin?
- How long does it take to switch position to work with different screw driver, screws, and bin (backlog)?

With these measurement one can decide which approach is faster.

Back to software development.

If the developer's backlog contains work that is related then the developer doesn't need to retool. For instance, if the developer works on a specific feature set, the domain is well defined, and the developer works with a small number of tools.

If the developer has many areas of responsibility, front end, middle tier, database layer, web services, etc., the developer has to mentally retool to work in these different areas.

In this situation the I suggest the consideration of a multiple queues for the single developer. The prioritization process is more complex, but the waste of retooling could be addressed. It may not be possible, but it should be considered. I wouldn't go too crazy with this. The reason is that if the code is being developed like a spike then the domain knowledge and flow from top to bottom is continuous and is good.

Switching context on features is expensive as well. I personally find it more expensive than switch context for tools.

If the developer's queue is made up of features (that are not subdivided so finely that it says, make UI change, make middle tier change, and make database change) then the developer can work on the feature from start to finish, keeping the domain context fresh and active in his mind. I prefer this approach.

If two features are related, like making a horizontal hourglass chart and a vertical hourglass chart, then the only difference is layout. The developer should look at the items in his queue and take "make horizontal hourglass chart" and "make vertical hourglass chart" and change it to "make hourglass chart", "vertical layout for hourglass chart" and "horizontal layout for hourglass chart".

I have been studying the idea that limiting the number of items in the work queue (the WIP) can increase throughput. This is known as Limiting WIP. It is suggested that the time to manage items in the queue is costly and therefore if the items are limited then the cost to manage them is limited.

The cost to get something in the queue for a developer consists of:
- Identifying a customer need
- Describing it as a feature
- Estimating its cost of deliver (time, effort, etc)
- Prioritizing it for a release
- Placing it into the developer's queue.

Once it is in the developer's queue I do not know of any significant cost for the developer to manage the queue. So, limiting WIP for a developer seems unnecessary to me. However, if items are thrown into a developers queue that have not been through the above steps and the burden falls on the developer to define, prioritize, or other tasks then there is cost to the developer.

If the developer's queue is in constant flux there could be reason to limit WIP. If product can't make up their mind on direction and one day feature A is priority one and the next feature B, and the next a whole new and never heard of feature C and then back to A then there is cost for the developer. (Are process constraints the right way to address indecisiveness?) In this case a developer's queue could be limited to five items, or one iteration's worth of tasks, and once the iteration has started the queue cannot be altered. But this is process trying to mitigate a more serious problem of indecisiveness. Granted it should be mitigated for a short term help but it is not the solution. Maybe the limited WIP could help gather metrics of cost to show to managers how expensive it is to jump from one high priority task to another, back and forth.

But in a stable system limiting WIP at the developer doesn't seem advantageous to me yet. Maybe there are those that have thousands of items in the backlog. That would be a pain to manage.

Limiting WIP and the product level does seem reasonable to me. Image you have thought up enough features for three product releases for a desktop application that is released annually.

If all of those features are placed in a product queue and defined as follows:
- Identifying a customer need
- Describing it as a feature
- Estimating its cost of deliver (time, effort, etc)
- Prioritizing it for a release

Features that do not make it in the current release need not nor should they be well defined because things will change and when it is time to place it in release queue much of the work will have been wasted. That is why "Agile" methods recommend using a high level description, one sentence, something to capture the thought and cause the proper conversation to happen at a future date.

Therefore limiting WIP at the release queue seems very reasonable to me. The limit is this, only fully prepare an item for release if it is in the current release.

Software features are perishable goods. Image a software feature as an apple. If you worked at an apple pealing station and your bin of apples had enough in there to keep you busy all year, I wouldn't want any of your apples after two or three works of work!

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